
The St. Dymphna (also Dimpna, Dymfna, Dimfna or Dympna ) is the patron saint of the mentally ill.


The St. Dymphna is probably born in the 7th century in Ireland or England and died in Geel in Antwerp. According to her, written in the 13th century Vita she fled with the priest Gerebernus to Belgium to escape her father, who wanted to marry her after the death of her mother. After the discovery of her whereabouts they beheaded this together with the priest Gerebernus.


Dymphna is represented as a king's daughter, as a hermit with the devil, with Gerebernus or in martyrdom. It is listed among others on the altar of the hospital Steinhofgründe belonging Steinhof church by Otto Wagner in Vienna. In this representation, it carries a sword as a symbol of their decapitation.


Your feast day is May 15
