
Dyschromias ( different colored spots) are pigmentation disorders of the skin by a surplus or a reduction of melanin in the epidermis.

Hyperpigmentation of the skin ( Hyperchromien ) caused by an excess of melanin and disappear when pressure is not (for example, by resting a glass spatula ). It divides the hyperpigmentation in two groups:

  • Generalized hyperpigmentation: In the course of certain diseases such as Addison 's disease and hemochromatosis
  • Localized hyperpigmentation which have hyperpigmented spots and show up mainly in the form of freckles, chloasma and melanocytic nevi.

Also observed hyperpigmentation nichtmelanisierten skin, such as when lipochromes contained in carrots, oranges and tomatoes are added in large quantities, the latter prevail in subcutaneous adipose tissue from, making an orange coloration of the skin is produced. The deposition of bilirubin in the tissue results in a yellowing of the skin, referred to as jaundice.

Hypopigmentation of the skin ( Hypochromien ) are in essence the Albinism and vitiligo. When albinism skin, head and body hair are white, because the present in the epidermis melanocytes can not synthesize melanin. The Vitiligo is a skin disease. In the epidermis of the affected parts of the body, the melanocytes are missing.
