Dyskobolia Stadium

Dyskobolia Grodzisk

The stadium Dyskobolii Grodzisk Wielkopolski (short: Dyskobolia Stadium ) is a stadium in the Polish city Grodzisk Wielkopolski. It served primarily as a venue for the football club Dyskobolia Grodzisk. After July 11, 2008, the owner and president of the association, Zbigniew Drzymała sold the club to the owner of Polonia Warsaw organize here other Polish football clubs their training camp. Also the Polish national football team had been here a few training camps. In 2010, it was announced that the stadium was selected together with the hotel GROCLIN to host the Polish national football team during the 2012 European Football Championship. In December 2011, however, reported the Polish media that the national football team has opted for the Hyatt Hotel in Warsaw.

Opened on November 11, 1925 the stadium has capacity for 5,383 spectators, and it only has seating.
