
The Recommendation E.123 of the International Telecommunication Union includes design rules for national and international telephone numbers, e -mail addresses and Web addresses in printed materials and business correspondence.


International phone numbers

National numbers

In national numbers constituents are bracketed, which are not always chosen:

Emergency Numbers

In May 2008, the E.123 was supplemented by a procedure to identify emergency numbers in the address book of a mobile phone. Numbers of persons to be notified in an emergency, " 0nxxxx " saved preceded by Arabic numerals in the form. n is a digit from 1 to 9 and xxxx is the name or a descriptive text such as " Anna " or " spouse ":

For most phones, entries appear with numbers at the top of the list, which makes items easy to identify. In the Phone Number field of these entries want to call in an emergency telephone number is then stored.

Unlike various private initiatives, such as "ICE" (English: " In Case of Emergency " ) or " IN" ( German: " In an emergency" ) the E.123 is a language- independent international standard.
