Ealhmund of Kent

Ealhmund (also Ealhmundus, Ealmundus, Ealmund; † 785) was of 779/784 bis 784/785 King of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Kent. Maybe Ealhmund is identical to Eanmund, who ruled around 764/765 in Kent.



According to traditional lore Ealhmund originate in the house of Wessex. His father's name was EAFA, his mother is unknown. Ealhmunds son Ecgberht was 802-839 king of Wessex. Though, also speaks for a Kentish origin. Perhaps the " Versippung " came with the house of Wessex only later as Ealhmunds Ecgberht son and his descendants an additional legitimation created as kings of Wessex.


King Ecgberht II ( 764/765-779/784 ) by Kent won in 776 at the Battle of Otford a victory over Offa ( 757-796 ), king of Mercia, shook off its supremacy and ruled over the next few years as independent king probably all over Kent. Ecgberhts sphere of influence extended also likely to Surrey and parts of Essex and Sussex. Maybe Ealhmund was already in the 770er years co-regent or viceroy Ecgberhts II, who was probably his brother.

With the last issued in the year 779 Charter S36 Ecgberht II vanished from the tradition. In the year 784 Ealhmund is occupied as his successor. In the year 784 Ealhmund overwrote with the single received from him an early copy of deed 12 aratra ( hooves, Homesteads ) at Scilduuic ( Sheldwich at Faversham ) to Hwitred, the abbot of Reculver and granted duty exemption. To 784/785 Kent fell again under the control of Offa, who ruled the country until his death in 796 itself. Probably came Ealhmund in these battles 785 killed. Ealhmunds Ecgberht son had to flee from 786 Offa and found at the court of Charlemagne the Franks asylum.


  • Anonymous: Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Online at Project Gutenberg (English)
  • Asher Vita Alfredi; The Life of King Alfred Online ( English) at Online Medieval and Classical Library
  • Charter S38