Easter Drama

An Easter play is a spiritual match for the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is listed as part of the Easter celebration.


Easter Games can be traced back to the High Middle Ages. Their nucleus is the Quem - quaeritis - trope, which is found from the 10th century first in the monastery of St. Gallen and is often depicted as the origin of medieval theater. The antiphon shows the women at the empty grave of Christ ( Visitatio ). The appearance of the risen Christ to Mary Magdalene and the race of the Apostles were added. Thus were formed mainly in the 12th century extensive games.

In this first period the Easter games were still in the context of the liturgy, were performed in Latin and in the church. They were used for explanation and illustration of the most important religious festival. All roles were played by men, in the first time only by clerics.

Since the 13th century vernacular texts were incorporated. The games were listed outside the church and organized by the cities. Among the scenes that could be very rough times, were about Pilate and Jewish scene, resurrection, grave guard scene, descent into hell, hell scene with sinners Revue, Lament of Mary, Chandler scene Visitatio, Apostle running. Often the didactic aspect, and the joy lost in the spectacle, such as the vicious scenes emerged. The Easter Passion Play games have been extended to the 15th century mainly or competed with them. Reformation and Counter-Reformation ended the tradition of many Easter Games.


  • Easter Play of Muri ( 13th century, Switzerland )
  • Innsbruck Easter play (14th century, middle German )
  • Redentiner Easter Play ( 1464 )
  • Rhenish Easter play (15th century, Mainz )
  • Eger Easter Games (15th century, Southern Germany )