
Easy Number ( short for "Enterprise Access System number" ( Number) ) is introduced in 2007, a business entity identification code assigned by the EasyNumber Company, a joint venture between Credit Reform and Coface.

You will be allocated sequentially to all private or public organizations, local or international companies or service providers, without reference to the country of origin or industry sector.

The international identification code " EasyNumber " is based on many international existing identification systems / business identification numbers, such as in Germany the tax number.

Identification technology and structure

This tool is designed to facilitate the appropriate management. The identification code complements existing national identification systems and is synchronized with them

It is a 19stellige paragraph with the following structure:

  • The first 14 points are awarded by the EasyNumber Society: Ascending 12 2 control indicators
  • The last 5 digits identify the company

Penetration / recognition

Introduced in June 2007, the EasyNumber is recognized by the institution BIAA, and FECMA and meets the requirements of the European Commission (CEN working group agreement, November 2009). As of September 2010, approximately 66 million companies received a EasyNumber.


Useful link


  • Tax law
  • Identifier