Ebino VLF transmitter

The Navy radio station Ebino (Japaneseえび の 送信 所, Ebino sōshinjo ) is a system for delivery of messages to submerged submarines in the VLF range on the transmission frequency of 22.2 kHz and a power of 500 W under the call JJI on the JMSDF base Ebino (えび の 基地, Ebino kichi, Eng. JMSDF Ebino base). This is located in the aza六 本原, oaza Daimyōji, Ebino in Miyazaki Prefecture on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu in Japan. In the same oaza is also the army troops Ebino location.

The Navy radio station Ebino went into operation in 1991. The antenna system of the station consists of eight guyed steel tube masts at a distance of 550 meters between which antenna wires are tensioned.

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