Ebisu (mythology)

Ebisu (恵 比 须jap /夷/戎/恵 比 寿/蛭 子/えびすorゑびす) is the name of a Shinto deity of Japan. He is the Kami of fishermen and good fortune and is therefore often referred to as Bearded with fishing rod and a sea bream ( tai ) are shown. Everything somehow exceptional forms, almost anything is washed up from the sea ( shells, stones, etc.), is interpreted as a special gift from Ebisu and honored accordingly.

He is equated with Hiruko (蛭 子), the " leech - child " of Izanagi, and Kotoshironushi (事 代 主), the child of Okuninushi and Kamuyatatehime (神 屋 楯 比 売).


As the firstborn son of the divine couple Izanagi Izanami and Ebisu was born crippled under the full name " Hiruko no mikoto " leech child from the imperial lineage. Because of this malformation ( the descriptions are based on a simple mobility problems to the story that he was completely born without bones) put his parents in a boat on the shore of the island of Awaji out. On the shore of the village Nishi no miya he was purged again on land, which is why today there is his main shrine.

Group membership

Ebisu is one

  • To the Shichi Fukujin ( Seven Kami of happiness ).
  • To the San Fukujin, the three gods of happiness (together with Daikokuten and Fukurokuju ).