Eccentricity (behavior)

An eccentric (Latin ex centro, off-center ') is a person who deviates significantly from the social norm.

John Stuart Mill emphasized in his work On Liberty ( " On Liberty ", 1859) the meaning of eccentrics for the development of any society. The otherness of eccentrics was formerly in European medicine, returned by the humoral pathology to a malfunction of the spleen, rinse Greek, hence the word whimsy.


A generally accepted definition of eccentricity does not exist. Demarcation difficulties arise even with regard to the definition of the " middle " of the departing, and with a view of the amount of deviation from which one can speak of eccentricity. To take into account is the one that it already can not give you perfect due to human individuality conformity. Expectations that different social systems on the conformity of its members are significantly different from each other. While about Confucian milieu of East Asia require the individual in general a strong adaptation to traditional values ​​exist in Anglo-American area greater freedom.

In some cases it is also required on the mere fact of deviation from social norms that these must be based on voluntary decision. This is particularly a definition of the eccentric towards people be guaranteed with mental disorders such as psychosis, neurosis or personality disorders. The question of the authenticity of the deviation could give insights about the purposes ( as quackery or simulation).

Scientific research

The Scottish physician David Joseph Weeks ( b. 1944 ) studied in the 1980s eccentric people in a research project, the results of which he published in both a scientific as well as a popular scientific work. With the help of British and American mass media, such as BBC, New York Times and Wall Street Journal, he was looking for volunteers for its investigations of which came about in 1000 in an immediate choice. Each subject underwent a standardized personality test, an intelligence test and tests for investigation on mental disorders in addition to a 90 - minute interview. As a result of the investigation Weeks formulated the following properties of an eccentric:

  • Unadjusted;
  • Creative;
  • Strongly motivated by curiosity;
  • Idealistic: with the aim to improve the world and make people happier in her;
  • Operates one or more hobbies happy;
  • Is aware from an early age of otherness;
  • Intelligent;
  • Stubborn and outspoken; convinced himself to be right and that the rest of the world is out of step;
  • Without competition pursuit, without desire for recognition or acknowledgment by the Company;
  • Unusual eating habits and lifestyle;
  • Not particularly interested in the views or the company of others, except for the purpose of this own - to convince position - right
  • Equipped with a mischievous sense of humor;
  • Standing alone;
  • Usually the eldest or only child;
  • Incorrect spelling.

The first five features could adopt almost any eccentric. An outstanding feature is the non-conformity. The occurrence of eccentrics estimates Weeks to about 1:10,000. The standard intelligence tests revealed in the subjects an average IQ between 115 and 120 The health status of the subjects was far above average. The life time of deceased people with eccentric personalities could be significantly increased. Many subjects would look younger. Weeks attributes this to a lower social stress, which favors the immune system. According to his own subjective assessment eccentrics are usually happier and happier people.

To illustrate the popular science edition Weeks leads people to, where it regarded as an eccentric Joshua Abraham Norton, Patch Adams, Robert Coates, Glenn Gould, Erik Satie and Henry Cavendish.

The Irish doctor for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Michael Fitzgerald sees its release Autism and Creativity is a close relationship between eccentricity and Asperger's syndrome. The connection of autism, eccentricity and creativity should not be underestimated in society. Even the psychologist Tony Attwood sees a connection between eccentricity and Asperger syndrome. Specific acceptance and admiration would have these people in British culture.


Eccentricity can be expressed in many ways, such as in the appearance, in views, goals or behaviors. Among the best known forms include:

Eccentric scientist

Were also in the more rational dominated realm of science and there are eccentric. Among them are about people who defy generally accepted findings and theories in a ridiculously for peer -looking manner. One might think about to those physicists who aspire to the perpetual motion machine, so one of those incessantly entertaining by their own movement in motion machine that can not exist according to the laws of thermodynamics.

The development of scientific theories without any empirical- methodological basis belongs here: Thus, the existence of sunken continents such as Plato's Atlantis (Paul Schliemann ) or the colonization of Earth by aliens was about repeatedly attempts against the archaeological and geological knowledge able to demonstrate in the distant past ( Erich von Daniken ). There are historians who dismiss parts of the medieval history as a mere fiction ( Heribert Illig ), or linguists who want to see Jesus because of accidental coincidence a relationship between Mexican Indian dialects and the Aramaic of the time ( Augustus Le Plongeon ). Likely to be classified also numerous kinds of conspiracy theorists as eccentric.

Nevertheless, it is precisely in the area of ​​science, the demarcation for genius sometimes difficult, but numerous groundbreaking researcher, inventor and explorer, whose first outlandish appearing models were partly confirmed only by the story would (Charles Darwin, Heinrich Schliemann, Albert Einstein, Alfred Wegener, u a.), apply according to the standards listed above as an eccentric.

Eccentric artist

Since the required creativity and imagination itself already, by definition, implies a departure from standards of artistic activity as a rule, artists are from the outset in a certain proximity to the natural eccentricity. In particular, the luminaries in their respective profession, such as Picasso, Morrissey, Stravinsky, James Joyce, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Thelonious Monk and Bobby Fischer were mostly perceived or rejected by their environment as idiosyncratic, radical and bizarre.

Many transcended the generally accepted values ​​and code of conduct but also beyond the actual creative process in daily life. Called was about the French composer Erik Satie, who participated actively in the rituals of the Rosicrucians ( " inspired by 10.23 clock bis 11.47 clock " ) on the other hand, his daily routine absurdly meticulous with to set to the minute times structured and sometimes even work orders rejected the argument that the fee offered was too high.

Religious eccentrics

Since beliefs from the outset largely beyond the rationality and is a very strong ideological pluralism, especially in things, the definition of recognized standards and consequently also the deviating eccentricities in the field of religion is particularly difficult. Unlike scientific theories revelations can not be classified as true or false, but enjoy, at least in liberal societies alike tolerance. The problem appears particularly, must be based on the mere numerical strength of a community of faith as a criterion.

May apply as eccentric but at least those religious founders, at their - hold theses and after their stringent empirical or theoretical- scientific refutation - albeit allegedly disclosed. Mention may be made about doomsday preacher for which the projected dates are repeatedly passed without consequences, as was the case with the group led by the Scottish mystic Elspeth Buchan in the 18th century. Even the non durable overlooking newer geological knowledge assumption of some Christian groups that the world is only a few thousand years old ( young-earth creationism ), wearing eccentric traits. The same applies to the up to now not even begin to occupied assertion of the Mormons, America was inhabited in biblical times of seafaring Israelites ( Jared and Lehi ).
