
Eco-fascism is a political struggle concept, that of the individual authors and potential of an analytical concept are given. André Gorz spoke in 1977 of eco-fascism in order to characterize ( feared ) forms of totalitarianism because of an exclusively ecological orientation of the policy. The term is still used to indicate a radical ecological ideologies that either want to enforce environmental ideas with authoritarian means or have a conceptual proximity to forms of fascism or Nazism.

Scientific use

In particular in the environment philosophy of the United States the term is used eco-fascism. With its help, an attempt is made to classify the history of ideas ecocentric positions. The constructive inter alia, Aldo Leopold ecocentrism believes that ecosystem entities such as " ecosystems " or " biological community " a moral eigenvalue zukomme. This breaks the ethical conception, as it is approximately represented by Baird Callicott, with the usual in the current ethics opinion that single individuals and not collective wholes as such are to be considered moral in the first place. This issue was specifically addressed by Michael E. Zimmerman.

Bernd Hamm and Barbara Rapid distinction in 2002 according to the discussion within the different currents of bioregionalism, who rejected all globalization, state power and consumerism. The " Ökofaschisten " tend after the conducted analyzes continue " to pay homage to a vulgar evolutionism and to view one's own group is genetically better than others. They join in their region inwards together and others from. You especially want to survive in the bioregions itself, while the earth is destroyed. " Eco-fascism " is at its core group- selfish. An important cornerstone is Biologism who makes as part of reactionary company designs and social differences explainable and the prevailing power relations as, by nature ( laws) conditionally ' stipulates ". Adherents to this view often take the position that, from the membership of a region, a nation or a race the right to a certain (higher) consumption of resources as follow for the rest of the world's population.

Chance, the term eco-fascism is also used when the power dimension of environmental policy is questioned: He has " the fear of power-political dimension of the current environmental and conservation discussion towards ".

Political use

In the political debate, the term is used in particular by the Left as a political slogan and as a polemical battle cry. The slogan was used as a reproach to some people and organizations such as the former CDU member of the Bundestag Herbert Gruhl, which he founded in ODP in the 1980s, and founded in Austria against the World Federation for the Protection of life.

Various sources mention the Finnish deep ecologist Pentti Linkola a Ökofaschisten. To a lesser extent, the term is also used within the New Right.
