Ectopia lentis

The lens luxation or Linsenektopie is a displacement ( ectopia ) of the crystalline lens in the anterior chamber or into the vitreous cavity. This can be partially ( subluxation ) or completely done.


When a traumatic lens luxation, the lens leaves her rightful place as a result of violence. You can slip in tear of the dermis under the conjunctiva. After such a trauma to blood is usually in the eye.

With large eyes with high myopia, an advanced cataract or a tumor in the ciliary body, a lens luxation can also occur later in life.

Congenital lens luxation (Latin: ectopia lentis congenita ) usually occur on both sides. They arise because the zonules are too weak to hold the lens in position. This is, among other things, the case with the Marfan syndrome and the Ehlers -Danlos syndrome, and in some hereditary bone abnormalities ( chondrodysplasia punctata - syndrome ). Even when Marchesani syndrome and homocystinuria a lens luxation occurs very early.


A slight, incomplete dislocation may remain symptom-free. For larger displacements noticed the patient monocular diplopia that did not disappear when the other eye is closed.


Through the slit lamp may be the blind spot appears twice. The lens is smaller and rounded off by the lack of train the zonules. Because of the lack of suspension it shows tremors. If the lens is completely dislocated, they are found often at the base of the vitreous. There is a hyperopia.


When complications or unsatisfactory correction capability by glasses or contact lenses, the lens is removed and replaced with an artificial one.


Frequent complications are worsening eyesight and glaucoma.

Lens luxation in animals

In some breeds a lens luxation occurs frequently. This is especially true terrier.
