Ectopia (medicine)

Ectopia (Greek εκτοπία, ectopia, " Except locality ", from εκτός, Ektos "outside", and τόπος, tópos "place" ) is in medicine a shift of tissue at an unusual location within the body or often also to its surface, to of this tissue usually is not. It is a disorder in the development stage of the embryo or fetus, with smaller amounts of tissue or even whole organs can settle in the wrong place.

Congenital ectopia

  • Bladder exstrophy ( ectopia vesical urinalis ): The urinary bladder is located, at least partially, outside the abdominal cavity due to an abdominal wall defect.
  • Ectopia ( ectopia testis): instead of the scrotum to wander ( descent of the testis, " testicular descent " ), the testicles get under the skin in the groin, or thigh.
  • Herzektopie ( ectopia cordis ): The heart is here outside of the chest.
  • Linsenektopie ( ectopia lentis congenita ): displacement of the eye lens
  • Ectopic ureter ( ectopia ureteral ): The mouth of the ureter ( ureter ) is not carried out at the designated location in the bladder, but further down towards the bladder output, in extreme cases, in the urethra, making it relocated behind the closure devices and thus the urine no longer can be retained (urinary incontinence ) or urinary incontinence.
  • Schilddrüsenektopie: Location abnormality of the thyroid gland due to a failure of descent during embryonic development
  • Meningomyelocele ( spinal ectopia, form of spina bifida aperta )
  • Renal ectopia: malposition of the kidney
  • Makulaektopie: distortion of the "yellow spot " on the retina of the eye

Traumatic ectopic

  • Lens dislocation ( ectopia lentis )