Edin (Sumerian term)

Eden (Sumerian edin; Babylonian seru ) is the Sumerian name for steppe regions as well as in the underworld and is part of the name of the deity Nin - EDENA. In particular was meant by Eden grassland of domesticated animals. The extension to - Edena ( Himmels-Steppe/Hohes Eden ) was a slightly elevated land in Sumer, was the area of the enclosed area of ​​the cities of Uruk, Larsa, Umma, Badtibira and Zabalam.

This country name is known from the border conflict between Lagash and Umma ( Lagash - Umma War), in which it came to the area Gu Edena ( edge of the steppe ). Content of the dispute was the use of the rare grazing areas and an important source of water at the edge of the steppe. Mesilim was former chief lord of the two cities and was appointed as an arbitrator. However, the dispute can not be permanently settled and survived generations. Lu -Gal Zagesi, the king of Umma, destroyed in the meantime due to the conflict in the 24th century BC, the city of Lagash. The rivalry for this green area ended only in the kingdom of Akkad.

In the context of the goddesses Geštinanna and Nin - sigar - EDENA ( Mistress of the steppe ) bar is in texts of the Ur III period under a secular steppe area called Arali called that was mentioned regarding Dumuzi stay in the underworld.

The Sumerian name Gu -an Eden meant literally Heavenly edge steppe / prairie border Heavenly / Heavenly border steppe / desert or green area on the edge of the sky and shows similarities to the Hebrew term גן עדן Gan Eden ( Garden of Eden ).
