Eesti Ekspress

Eesti Ekspress is the largest circulation weekly political newspaper in Estonia. Always appears on Thursdays. Supplements are, inter alia, Areen (cultural magazine) and Kohver ( travel section ). The editorial office is located in the Estonian capital Tallinn.

Eesti Ekspress was founded in September 1989 in the final stages of the Soviet occupation of Estonia by Hans H. Luik and other democratic colleagues. She was the first politically independent newspaper founding of the Estonian SSR in the sign of glasnost and perestroika. An investigative journalism - independent and innovative design Eesti Ekspress has held ever since.

Eesti Ekspress is the flagship of AS Eesti Ekspress Grupp of Estonia's media mogul Hans H. Luik. Part of the Group for the national daily newspaper Eesti Päevaleht, the largest tabloid newspaper in the country, Õhtuleht that certain rural weekly newspaper Maaleht, a book publisher, a digital photo archive Pressifoto, the free newspaper Linnaleht that appears on Estonian and Russian, as well as the bookstore chain Rahva Raamat.
