Egeria (mythology)

Egeria is in Roman mythology the nymph of the same source, closely connected with the sanctuary of Diana at Aricia.

Egeria was said to be the lover of the legendary second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius. According to legend, she consulted him on important decisions and showed him the way to find wise rule. From her Numa should have also received the Ancilia, twelve bronze shields, on their possession of the legend was founded by Rome's power. Later it was said that the King had the nymph only invented to give more emphasis to his statements and to induce the people to uncritical acceptance of and compliance with its provisions.

According to Ovid Egeria should have retired after the death of Numa by Aricia and transformed there into tears full of sadness in the source Egeria.

The Grotto of the nymph Egeria in Rome is a popular motif in painting and literature. Nymph caves were often reproduced in parks, so in Rheinberger Castle Park and Woerlitzer Park.
