Eisenbahn- und Verkehrsgewerkschaft

The Railway and Transport union, short ECG, is a German union, which was on 30 November 2010 by the merger of the Transport Workers Union GDBA and Transnet. As previously Transnet heard the ECGs on the DGB. She is also a member of the European Transport Workers 'Federation and the International Transport Workers' Federation.

Legally, the new union was formed on 30 November 2010 after the statutory legal decisions of the predecessor unions. The political establishment took place on December 1, 2010. Since that time, the TOE will be managed by an Executive Board.

At its inception, the union had about 246,000 members, including 216,000 members of the Transnet and 30,000 of the GDBA. In 2011, the union lost about five percent of its members. Early 2012 was one of the union of 220,000 members. Since then, the negative membership development has continued; According to the EDC DGB had end -2013 209,000 members

At the 1st Annual Trade Union Congress of the EDC in from October 28 to November 1, 2012, the Executive Board was elected:

  • Alexander Kirchner, Chairman
  • Klaus -Dieter Hommel, Vice Chairman
  • Regina Rusch - Ziemba, Vice-Chair
  • Wolfgang Zell, national manager
  • Martin Burkert, Member of the Executive Council
  • Reiner Bieck, Member of the Executive Council

For the members are the union since December, 2010, a monthly magazine for members entitled ECG imtakt out.


  • Www.evg -online.org Official Site
  • Transnet and GDBA form new rail union, World Online, December 1, 2010