El Gour, Morocco

El Gour is a tumulus, which belongs to the scanty architectural evidence earlier Berber cultures in northern Morocco. The plant consists of two concentric stone circles is called Berber Bazina.


The village of Souk El Gour located about 25 km south-east of Meknes, east of the road towards Azrou, in an agriculturally used hills. The remains of the El Gour tumulus mentioned are located at the outskirts of the village today.


About the history of the building nothing more is known. Excavations have indeed occurred, but without regard to a more precise dating of promoting evidence to light. Skeletal remains were not disclosed. In a Neolithic stone ax was discovered filling material, which is however happen to get into there.


In the standing on a small hill circular structure of about 30 meters in diameter and originally about 8 to 10 meters in height, of which about 5 meters are obtained, it is likely to be a former tumulus. The two levels obtained are concentrically arranged and surrounded by carefully hewn square-shaped stones. A previously very likely present at the top of hill-shaped embankment is not obtained. In front of the actual core structure was a trapezoidal platform, which was interpreted as a kind of altar. The design differs significantly from other known tumuli in Morocco ( Volubilis, Msoura, Bouia and Taouz ).


Although the excavators neither a grave chamber have not yet found skeletal parts, so it is very likely that it is the Roman period the tumulus of El Gour to the tomb of a Berber prince of ( late) - in any case, the exact stone processing of the two mounts on Roman influences out. A reference to megalithic tumuli is excluded in any case.

The El Gour -called Tumulus appearing on the provisional World Heritage list of UNESCO since 1995.
