El Pilar

El Pilar is the name of a Mayan ruin in the Cayo District in Belize (Central America), around 50 kilometers in a straight line from Tikal in Guatemala away. Colonizes the plant was about 500 BC to 1000 AD In modern times, El Pilar was rediscovered in the 1970s, a full investigation did not start until 1993.

El Pilar was one of the great Mayan cities and has about 15 large pyramids with 25 plazas and many outbuildings. Six wide trails run through three districts - the total area is about 40 hectares. In the wedding probably lived 20,000 Maya in the city. Unlike other Mayan ruins, the plant has not yet been fully excavated in El Pilar and reconstructed, but is thus better protected against external influences.
