Elative case

The elative is a case, which occurs mainly in Finno- Ugric languages ​​and the emergence express movement.

It may consist of the Germans with the prepositions are reproduced from.


In Basque, the elative from inessive derives inanimat to which the suffix - dik is appended (after vocal tics ). An example would be etxetik " from the house (her ) ."


In Finnish, the Postfix or sta - Tougher, which depends on the vowel harmony is. For example talosta " out of the house ," kädestä " out of hand "


In Estonian the elative to -st or in the plural to test or least ends. For example rongist " off the train "


In Hungarian, the ending- ból is or - Bol to the vowel harmony. For example házból " out of the house "


  • Irja Grönholm: Estonian word for word ( = gibberish Vol 55. ). 3rd edition. Reise-Know -How Verlag Rump, Bielefeld 2002, ISBN 3-89416-245-7, p.50
  • Fred Karlsson: Finnish Grammar, 4th edition. Hamburg: Buske 2004, ISBN 3-87548-381-2, pp. 126-140
  • Hillevi Low: Finnish. Word for word ( = gibberish. Vol. 15). 7th edition. Reise-Know -How Verlag Rump, Bielefeld 2002, ISBN 3-89416-014-4, pp. 30-31.
  • Richard Semrau: Langenscheidts Practical textbook Finnish. 6th edition. Langenscheidt, Berlin and others 1995, ISBN 3-468-26140-3, pp. 66-67.
  • Pia Simig: Hungarian for globetrotters. Volume 1: Hungarian word for word ( = gibberish Vol 31. ). 3rd edition. Reise-Know -How Verlag Rump, Bielefeld 1994, ISBN 3-922376-53-3, pp. 50-51.
  • Christiane Bendel: Basque grammar. Hamburg: Buske, 2006, ISBN 3-87548-419-3, pp. 45-49.
  • Grammatical case