Electronic Chart Display and Information System

Electronic Chart Display and Information System ( ECDIS; German Electronic Chart Display and Information System) is an electronic navigation information system. It combines:

  • The chart display an electronic navigational chart ( ENC short, English Electronic Navigational Chart)
  • Additional property-related information (eg navigational marks )
  • Sensor data such as the position information of a satellite navigation system (GNSS ) data from radar or sonar.

Thus, the current position of the vessel and many navigational relevant information can be displayed together in an ad.


Among the objects shown in the map further information can be retrieved and displayed, for example, parts of the sailing directions, the beacon directory. Even static ( draft) and dynamic ( position, speed ) ship information is involved. By linking the various information, the system can issue warnings. The system knows, for example, the draft of the ship and can calculate and represent the points at which the water depth is no longer big enough. Additional warning messages may, for example, be approaching a traffic separation scheme or in restricted areas of all kinds. The data are determined in real time.

Cards and format

The internationally by the International Hydrographic Organization ( IHO ) standardized format for electronic cards S 57th This format describes an object-oriented vector data constructed; the individual card files are organized in the ASCII code and a so-called " cells."

Many ECDIS systems in addition to the Verktordaten processing raster data because not vector data are available for all sea areas worldwide. Raster maps, however, are spread widely commercially, for example, the global charts set by the British Admiralty Raster Chart Service ( ARCS so-called cards). Because of the functional disadvantages of raster data exist here but restrictions, see below under " replacement for the paper chart ."

For reasons of processing speed (performance ) use ECDIS systems from inside a proprietary binary format, the so-called System ENC ( SENC ); the import of data from the S -57 (as standardized exchange format ), but must always be possible.

Not the ECDIS standard compliant distributed by individual manufacturers proprietary card formats.

Map Refresh

New card information, for example on new beacon or distributed tons will be paid directly through a software update, and thus do not need to be drawn by hand as before. This process is much quicker to carry out than before and also avoids errors when transferring. In addition to manually change vornehmbaren official updates are published weekly and sent as a CD - ROM by mail. In addition, the download of data also via satellite or mobile phone is possible. The data must then be burned only on a CD -ROM anyway to have a record of updates, and was to have a hardware copy on hand in an emergency ( deletion of data in the system).

Replacement for paper card

Since the September 11, 2002 ships with two approved, independent ECDIS equipment ( redundancy) and official ECDIS data are fitted must cause no analog (paper) charts more with it. This is also true for the recreational marine environment.

Although ECDIS principle could also use scanned raster maps (RNC ), here the use of vector charts (ENC ) is prescribed. The reason for this is the loss of information of the display, ie the confusing together of the symbols on strong backs or to the rough and pixelated view as to high magnifications.

The installation of ECDIS on board may still not be overstated. In addition to the risks posed by faulty operation, problems arise as with any electrical / electronic system by power or system failures caused by poor satellite reception or card error (surveying inaccuracies or changes in the meantime was in nature). Generally, however, the use and dissemination of ECDIS lead to an increase in maritime security.

Therefore, the carrying of traditional nautical charts, plus navigation tools, as an important navigational aid is nevertheless still recommended.


For the display of electronic charts, there are free software in the IHO. The ECDIS equipment used in commercial vessels represent the IHO S-57 data with a software according to the IHO S-52 standard dar.

