Elektron (alloy)

When technical material electron is metal alloys of at least 90 % magnesium and about 10% aluminum, as well as zinc, tin and other alloying elements may be present in small, different proportions.


Electron is available as cast and wrought alloys, which are characterized by good resistance to corrosion, even against salt water, are distinguished. It was developed in 1908 by the Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron.

Electron melts at about 650 ° C and then burns in the presence of oxygen strongly exothermic and glistening light ( 2,200 ° C). The density is (depending on composition ) at 1.8 g/cm3, well below that of other aluminum alloys.


  • Electron has been used since 1918 for the shell of electron- thermite incendiary bombs.
  • Electron is used for components of Optics and Fine Mechanics and in aircraft.
  • The engine block of the VW Beetle was made ​​of electron; as the gearbox.
  • The engine cover of the Honda XL250 K0 also consist of electron.
  • Also, the tubular frame of the Mercedes -Benz 300 SLR was made ​​of electrum, which contributed at Le Mans for the worst disaster in the history of motor racing in 1955.

Same materials

  • In ancient alloys of gold and silver were considered electron. This was mainly used to mint coins.
  • The ancient Greek name for amber, which is composed of hydrocarbons, also is electron. Hence, the terms electricity, electronics and electron derive, as in Bernstein electrostatic charging was observed for the first time.