Elisa Aaltola

Elisa Aaltola (born 1976 ) is a Finnish philosopher of critical animal ethics and activist of the animal liberation movement.

She studied at the Institute for Ethics, Environment, and Public Policy at Lancaster University and was at the University of Turku on Animal Individuality: PhD Moral and Cultural Categorisations. Her book Eläinten moraalinen arvo. Vastapaino, 2004, ISBN 9,789,517,681,452th is one of the first reviews on the western animal ethics from an animal rights perspective in Finnish. It has also published the Finnish translation of Animal Liberation, they added two custom essays on the situation of non-human animals in Finland. Your master's thesis she wrote in Film and Television Studies on pictorial reproductions of animal cruelty. She is currently a researcher at the Manchester Metropolitan University on animal ethics in the casuistry and Wittgenstein and for Anthropological difference.
