Emergency baptism

The so-called emergency baptism ( " baptism in emergencies " ) is a common, particularly in the Roman Catholic Church, but also in other Christian churches rite. It may not be every Christian as extraordinary Taufspender, in the Catholic Church even performed by any non-baptized people with the right intention for which there exists an unbaptized human life hazard, this asks for baptism - or in the case of a newborn child is representative of his parents - and an ordinary Taufspender (particularly in the Roman Catholic Church a priest ) can not be fetched in time.

Definition of Terms

The term " emergency baptism " has become common part but instead spoke of "a baptism in an emergency " or the like to make it clear that this is a valid Christian baptism.

If in danger of death, a priest brought to baptism, one speaks of a Jähtaufe.

Today's use in the Roman Catholic Church


The baptism must be performed using the Trinitarian formula "in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." Here, the person being baptized is to pour water over. The use of holy water is not prescribed in the emergency baptism in contrast to the ordinary rite of the Catholic Church. Unless the circumstances possible, witnesses should be consulted.


If there be danger to life, the act of baptism can in speaking of the baptismal formula "I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit " is reduced. When speaking of this baptismal formula of the person being baptized is doused with water three times. If more time is available, the emergency baptism is to be embedded in a short liturgical celebration. In particular, is professed by the candidate for baptism, or its sponsors or parents of faith, for example, by answering the baptismal questions or by saying the Creed.


According to c. 861 § 2 CIC may according to the Catholic understanding of anyone who has the right intention, baptized in an emergency when no ordinary minister is present. The faithful should be taught the correct way of baptism by the local priest or a pastor from the outset and taught. It also midwives, physicians and surgeons are included. Next says the CIC that anyone can donate baptism, whether man or woman, cleric or layman, Christian or unbaptized. The denomination (Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox) is to be Taufspender unimportant. The only thing that is required is the intent of the donor, to perform the rite of baptism as it provides for the church. It is therefore always a baptism donated when an unbaptized is washed in a similar intent by a human with water while the donation formula is spoken. The baptism took place must be timely, the pastor will be announced so that it can enter them in the baptismal register. The celebration will be held for introduction into the community later.

History of emergency baptism

By the 3rd century, there was no emergency baptism. A baptism was possible in this time only by the bishop. At the Synod of Elvira 305 privately baptized was legitimized by any Christian in the face of death, not only when a church in the immediate circle is present. At the Council of Basel / Ferrara / Florence privately baptized was first confirmed by a pious man or a pious woman on a council. Nevertheless, subsequent to an emergency baptism of the infant or the child had to be baptized again after his recovery in a church. The council assumed that is torn by privately baptized the child from the hands of the devil and received from God. Until the Council of Trent the emergency baptism was closely associated with the baptism of children, or one, as in Basel / Ferrara / Florence, the addition was made that an emergency baptism can take place.

Only on the Council of Trent a clear dividing line between children and emergency baptism was performed. Also the necessity of baptism for salvation has been provided by the doctrine of original sin in the foreground. Accordingly, only the one who is baptized into Jesus Christ, free from this sin. Death of a unbaptized child or an infant, it is not going to heaven, even if his soul is free of personal guilt and sin, since original sin is still present. The souls of these children go puerorum in the limbus. It is assumed that they are still integrated into the universal plan of salvation.

The current legal situation is due to the Second Vatican Council, in which, through the liturgy and canon law decrees the distinction between solemn baptism and emergency baptism and the standards have been watered down and simplistic.

In other Christian denominations, such as Protestant churches in the emergency baptism can be similarly performed as in the Roman Catholic Church. As in the Catholic Church every person must be baptized, but not without the consent of the patient or guardian. The introduction into the church must not be made up as in the Catholic Church, but the emergency baptism is only entered in the baptismal register. With the Orthodox Churches, the rite of baptism is limited to the essential gestures. It can be done, even if no priest is present. In churches which do not view baptism as a sacrament of healing necessary and / or ( mainly) practice believers' baptism as the act of confession, no emergency baptism takes place.
