Emergency shelter

Emergency shelters are makeshift accommodation. The term is used both for homeless shelters as well as accommodation in the event of a disaster.

Homeless shelter

Emergency shelter, transitional living spaces that are supported and operated by local authorities and / or organizations. Leases and rights do not exist. So an unannounced inspection of the licensed premises and the accommodation of multiple persons in a room is customary. The differences between the shelters, however, are large, there are also accommodation with single and couple rooms, as well as support and counseling services of social work, psychotherapy, and medicine offered. For hot food is mostly taken care of once per day, as well as available for a 24 hour medical service.

Shelters can be used around the clock to distinguish them from shelters that have only open at night.

Emergency shelter in the event of a disaster

Emergency shelters are set up and operated by the care service for the homeless through loss event population. One distinguishes the accommodations on the basis of operational phase:

Emergency aid: refugee camp

A reception center is as close as possible to the area of ​​damage, but in a safe place, furnished. It allows a makeshift accommodation for the largest possible number of interested parties. There only a simple supply is guaranteed under Spartan conditions. Therefore, the parties concerned are transported within 24 hours. A detention can also be operated with a short residence time of the particular individual over an extended period of time.

Transition Assistance: Transit Camp

A transit camp is a first approximation to normal conditions. There is more living space per person affected present and care is taken to family accommodation. A regular supply of food and articles of everyday use takes place. The residents often remain longer in a transit camp, so it must be in ungefährdeter location.

Reconstruction assistance: Normal conditions adapted accommodation

Accommodation during the reconstruction period corresponding normal living conditions. The residents supply itself again These accommodations are no longer operated by the disaster, but by the municipalities.
