Émeric Crucé

Émeric Cruce called Émeric Lacroix (* 1590, † 1648) was a French monk and mathematics teacher at a Parisian college.

He wrote the first peace plan that not only had peace in Europe, but all over the world to the goal. The little book, which he had published in 1623, called The New Kineas (French: La Nouveau Cynee ). Kineas is the name of the associate of King Pyrrhus, that king, who has become proverbial for its senseless Pyrrhic victories. Cruce suggested to convene in Venice a permanent ambassador assembly of all countries, which should settle the disputes of the rulers in a peaceful way and by arbitration. Thus, he formulated the idea of ​​the League of Nations in Geneva and its current successor, the United Nations in New York.


  • The article was published with the kind permission of Mr. Richard Beiderbeck; The article is a text fragment of the contribution of R. Beiderbeck: Of global empires and the World Government