Emil Fahrenkamp

Emil driving Kamp ( born November 8, 1885 in Aachen, † May 24 1966 in Breitscheidstraße ) was a German architect, professor and from 1937 to 1946 director of the Düsseldorf Art Academy.


Driving Kamp came to a predominantly practical training - including Carl Seven in Aachen - to Dusseldorf, where he worked from 1909 to 1912 in architect Wilhelm Kreis office. From 1911 he worked at the School of Applied Arts Dusseldorf, first as an assistant, then as an assistant teacher. As the architecture department of the School of Applied Arts in 1919 went to art academy, were driving Kamp and his fellow teachers to professors of the Academy. In the 1920s, he was one of the most prominent architects of Germany. While retaining the traditional basic concepts he knew how to take contemporary trends ( Expressionist Architecture, New Building ) and balancing implement.

In 1925 Kamp Drive designed at the initiative of the entrepreneur Rudolf Lochner the construction of the first high-rise buildings based on a steel skeleton construction at the forecourt of the Aachen Main Station. The Berlin Illustrirte newspaper stated in its issue of March 21, 1926 this building together with the Düsseldorf Wilhelm Marx House, the Bremen Roland mill and Cologne Hansahochhaus dar. as Sensation After the steel frame was already completed, but could the construction of financial reasons not be completed. Were called - according to statements of professional critics - the increased costs due to the occurring bending moments and the resulting increase in steel consumption. More than four years existed bare bones as Germany's most famous boondoggle, before the construction of another client together with the architect Jacob Koerfer was continued in the years 1929 and 1930 by major changes in plans and now under the name "House Border Patrol " as the administration building of the Aachen is used and has been declared a national monument.

Driving Kamps 's best-known building is the built in 1930-1932 " Shell House " in Berlin. Driving Kamp had good, systematically developed and maintained contacts in the circles of the Rhenish- Westphalian industrial, and further helped in no small measure to its success.

After the failure of ideological (national socialist ) aligned Directorate of Peter basic driving Kamp took over in 1937 (initially acting) head of the Düsseldorf Art Academy. He oriented the training more closely to practical needs and also examined here the cooperation with industry. He saw himself and his work as apolitical, but could thus probably exist only because of our excellent contacts in the environment of Hermann Goering and Joseph Goebbels. So he built, among others the Hermann Goering master school of painting. Completely incomprehensible, it remained for him, therefore, that it was after 1945 in the eyes of cultural policy because of his high position in the Third Reich as unsustainable and was not readmitted to the cultural life. While other artists successfully defended against such treatment, and eventually were able to reverse their past completely under the rug, is driving Kamp withdrew from public life. From this largely unnoticed, it remained a busy architect until his death.

Buildings and projects (selection)
