Emil Selenka

Emil Selenka ( born February 27, 1842 in Braunschweig, † February 20, 1902 in Munich ), son of John Selenka, was a German zoologist and explorer.

Selenka studied natural science at the University of Göttingen and was before he moved to Göttingen, a member of the Brunswick fraternity Germania. In 1868 he became a professor of zoology and comparative anatomy at the University of Leiden. In 1874 he moved to the University of Erlangen.

He worked mainly on development history, especially the echinoderms and vertebrates.

He was one of the founders of the journal " Biological Zentralblatt ".

Together with his wife Leonore he undertook a two-year research trip to East Asia.


  • Selenka, Emil and Leonora: Sunny worlds. East Asian travel sketches. Borneo - Java - Sumatra - Front India - Ceylon - Japan. Wiesbaden, Kreidel, 2 umgearb. and supplemented edition, hrsgg. by Leonore Selenka, 1905.