Empalme Olmos

Empalme Olmos on the map of Uruguay

Empalme Olmos is a city in the south of Uruguay.


It is located on the territory Department of Canelones, 40 m above sea level, northeast of the state capital Montevideo, with which it is connected by the city tangent Ruta 8. In the vicinity of Empalme Olmos are the city some 10 km south west of Pando, and Atlantida in the southeast.


The city's name is due to Octaviano Olmos, who provided the land for the railway connection. On November 3, 1952 Empalme Olmos was classified by the law Nr.11.877 in the " Pueblo " category. Until its closure in December 2009, where the company Cerámicas Olmos founded on 26 May 1937 led by Carlos Metzen von Bülow, Ricardo Rodolfo Bayer and his son Rodolfo Ricardo and more than 800 employees, the was ( Metzen y Sena ). On 1 July 2013, the company was re-opened in the presence of President José Mujica and resumed production.



Empalme Olmos has the Liceo de Empalme Olmos founded in 1985 on a secondary school ( Liceo ).


Through the village leads the Ruta 82, which meets in the south to the Ruta 8.


The city had 4,199 inhabitants at the last census conducted in 2011. For 2010, the Intendency de Canelones a population of 5,497 was still on, but differs significantly from the values ​​of the Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay

City ​​council

Mayor ( alcalde ) of Empalme Olmos is Ricardo Rodríguez ( Frente Amplio ).
