Emperor Go-Uda

Go- Uda (后 宇 多 ​​天皇jap, Go -Uda tennō; * December 17, 1267; † July 16, 1324 ) ( November 1274-27 March 6th 1287. ) Was the 91st Tennō of Japan. He was the father of Go- Nijo - tennō and Go- Daigo- tennō. His proper name was Yohito (世仁).

The line is called descended from him Daikakuji -tō (大 覚 寺 统), on the other hand comes the line Jimyoin -tō (持 明 院 统) from Fushimi - tennō from.

In 1307 he was ordained and lived as a monk, first at Tō -ji, then the Daikaku -ji. In his time as a clergyman, he devoted himself to the moral and financial support of the Shingon shū.
