
Persons in employment are in accordance with the European System of Accounts civilian labor force, ie persons who are engaged as employees ( workers, employees, civil servants, marginal workers, soldiers) or self-employed or unpaid family workers directed to economic inactivity. Labor force are made up of the employed and the ( immediately available ) unemployed.

By the definition of the International Labour Organization (ILO ) are among the gainfully employed all persons aged 15 and more years engaged in an employment relationship (employees ) or self a trade or agriculture operate (self-employed, contractors ) or as unpaid family workers in the operation of a relatives participate. A person who performs only minor activity (mini- jobs) or are only temporarily employed as an assistant will count as employed persons as well as persons engaged in a One-Euro- Job.

The assignment to the labor force is independent of the actual payments made or contracted hours. Following the international practice also persons who would not work, but in which bonds are made to an employer (eg, persons on maternity or parental leave, who have taken this trip from an existing work), as employed are valid.

Not to employment of forced labor is counted as in prisons or in the form of a court-ordered punishment in juvenile justice.

Statistical summaries


The number of employed persons was last identified in the 1987 census and is extrapolated since that time. The indicators serve about 45 different reporting documents. These include the statistics for individual economic sectors, as well as the statistics of the Federal Employment Service over social insurance contributions and part-time employees, to the personnel statistics about the staff in the public service, the results of the micro-census and other reports from individual institutions and ministries.

After recalculating the employment figures in the national accounts on average for the year, about 38.8 million employed persons in 2004, had their homes and about 38.9 million employed a job in Germany.
