Empress Zhen (Cao Fang)

Empress Zhen (甄 皇后, maiden name unknown, † 251), formally Empress Huai (怀 皇后, gentle but died young Empress ), was an empress of the Wei Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms period. She was the first wife of Emperor Cao Fang Wei third.

Her grandfather Zhen Yan (甄 俨) was a brother of Cao Rui's mother, Zhen Luo. Cao Fang she got 243 to the Empress. She died in 251 and was buried with imperial honors. The reason that your posthumous name consists rather of one rather than two characters, is that her husband was deposed 254, and himself received no posthumous name. The former customs demanded that the empress a character took over from her husband.

  • Empress of the Wei dynasty
  • The Three Kingdoms period
  • Chinese
  • Born on the 2nd or 3rd century
  • Died 251
  • Woman