Encyclopedia of Fairy Tales

The Encyclopedia of the tale (abbreviation: EM) is one of Kurt Ranke founded, German -language reference work on the international narrative research, which should include at the end a total of 14 volumes.

It appears (like the journal Fabula ) in Walter de Gruyter and is processed by a job at the University of Göttingen since the 1970s, since 1980 as a project of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen. The project of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen Academy program is funded jointly by federal and state governments.

The precursor of the work was the manual of the German fairy tale from which until 1940 only two volumes were published.

The first article " Aarne Antti Amatus " appeared in 1975, the first volume in 1977. Late 2012 are thirteen volumes and two deliveries of the fourteenth strip before (up to the article " Wolf ").

The approximately 3,800 alphabetically arranged articles of about 800 authors from over 60 countries provide an overview of the following topics:

  • Biographies of researchers, collectors and authors of important reference works
  • Representations of theories and methods, questions of genres, styles and structural problems
  • Questions of the biology of Erzählguts
  • Short monographs on important types of storytelling and motifs
  • National and regional research reports

Notwithstanding its title, the work whose products are usually provided with detailed notes in the form of endnotes, not only with fairy tales, but also with the other genera of the folk tale as a friend or farces deals.

Editor in chief since 1982 Rolf Wilhelm Brednich. Previous editors were Regina Bendix (2005/ 06 ), Max Lüthi ( 1973-1984 ), Lutz Rohrich ( 1973-2006 ) and Rudolf Schenda ( 1973-1992 ).

The circulation is 2600 copies, which are usually held in libraries due to the high price of the work.

Bibliographic indication

  • Kurt Ranke ( Lim. ), Rolf Wilhelm Brednich, inter alia, (Ed.): Encyclopedia of the tale. Pocket dictionary for historical and comparative narrative research. de Gruyter, Berlin, 1975 ff, ISBN 3-11-016402-7, DNB 550,874,852th