Endgame (2007 film)

  • Alex Jones: Alex Jones

Endgame - Blueprint for Global Enslavement is an American film directed by Alex Jones from the year 2007.


The speculative film deals with an alleged conspiracy of the 100 richest and most powerful people in the world. The goal is to reduce the world population to one billion people, to control them completely and to exile in "reservations " where they degenerate due to terrible living conditions of their goals. At the same time the aim was to mutate the super rich by genetic optimization themselves over people who live in luxury, enjoying the deserted parks and ultimately expand into space. The world's population should be reduced by 90 %, and a central and global power to control the rest of the population.

The goal is the creation of a three-class feudal society with an all-powerful elite, a very thin Lakaienschicht for administrative tasks and an army of millions of workers slaves. Psychotropic drugs and environmental toxins will weaken it and diversify that they shatter into small rival groups and no longer be able to organize as a homogeneous opponent's underclass people. The film shows among other things the arrival of the most powerful people in the world to two of the mysterious Bilderberg conferences. At this annual meeting supposedly the new world order is to be organized.

Production and publication

The film was directed by Alex Jones 2007, which among other things researched this place on two Bilderberg conferences. The music was composed by Graham Reynolds, in the production of Magnolia was also involved.

Published in 2007 Disinformation Company the film in the U.S. on DVD.
