Endlose Treppe

The Endless staircase is a modern sculpture in the center of the city of Ludwigshafen am Rhein.

It was built by the Swiss architect, artist, and designer Max Bill in 1991, the hundredth anniversary of the philosopher Ernst Bloch of North American granite.


The Endless staircase is in the immediate vicinity of the Wilhelm Hack Museum in the city center of Ludwigshafen.

The substructure consists of a cylindrical base. The steps are all the same, but act through the light and shadow effects different.


According to the artist put the 19 winding granite steps, which stretch almost ten meters in height, the philosophical principle of hope of the philosopher Ernst Bloch dar.


On the pedestal is the following inscription:

The ENDLESS STAIRS reminiscent of THE PRINCIPLE HOPE the philosopher ERNST BLOCH he was born in Ludwigshafen July 8, 1885 died in Tübingen August 4, 1977 MAX BILL 1991


The sculpture is on permanent loan from the Sponsors of the Wilhelm- Hack-Museum eV, which Dr. Hans Klüber Memorial Foundation and the City Savings Bank Ludwigshafen am Rhein.
