Endocrine surgery

Endocrine surgery is a specialization within the surgery and deals with the surgical treatment of disorders of the endocrine organs such as the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal gland, endocrine pancreas and diffuse neuroendocrine system by Friedrich Feyrter. The surgery of the pituitary and endocrine reproductive organs ( ovaries, testes ), however, remains in the hands of neurosurgery and gynecology and urology.

The importance of this specialization is seen in the close cooperation of surgeons working there with endocrinologists, nuclear medicine physicians, pediatricians and other clinically and scientifically working specialists. In Germany, a corresponding sub-group ( Working Group ) founded the German Surgical Society in 1986 Marburg ( HDRöher ) and is now working for visceral surgery as part of group of the German society. International cooperation is expected especially from the European Society of Endocrine Surgery ( ESES ) and has been for years in the International Society of Endocrine Surgeons ( IAES ) has been done. In addition, increasingly sub-groups are formed who deal with special issues such as multiple endocrine tumors (MEN -1, MEN -2), neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) and insulinomas, and offer scientific and clinical events and collaboration.

  • Surgery
  • Endocrinology