Endor (village)

32.65619722222235.467097222222Koordinaten: 32 ° 39 ' 22 " N, 35 ° 28 ' 2" O

En Dor or Endor or Endur (Hebrew עין דור ) is the name of a place in the Old Testament in northern Israel, approximately five kilometers south-east of Mount Tabor. About two miles west of the ancient settlement mound is a kibbutz was established in 1941 with the same name.

En Dor in the Old Testament

En Dor is mentioned in the Old Testament times.

In the 17th chapter of the Book of Joshua En Dor is mentioned as one of the cities in the territory of the tribe of Manasseh. ( Jos 17:11 EU) The Canaanite inhabitants could not be sold at the Conquest, but they were later the Israelites tributaries.

In the first book of Samuel tells how King Saul was interviewed in a war against the Philistines, the witch of En Dor on the outcome of the battle; they predicted that he would be subject to what came true shortly thereafter. (1 Sam 28 EU )

The third mention En Dors made ​​in Psalm 83; Here En Dor is mentioned as a place of death of Jabin king of Hazor and his commander Sisera man. (Ps 83.10 to 11 EU)
