Energy charge

To capture the energy status of a cell with a single measure, introduced Daniel Atkinson the concept of energy charge ( engl. energy charge). The energy charge is the ratio of all Adenosylnukleotide and reached for the (hypothetical) case that only ATP is present, the maximum value 1 In reality, the value of 0.75 to 0.95 moves. In this area it is held by key regulatory enzymes in energy metabolism. A prominent example is the phosphofructokinase

Definition of energy charge

The evaluation of ADP as ATP ½ follows from the fact that enzymes such as myokinase (muscle ) and adenylate kinase can provide a molecule of ATP from two molecules of ADP ( Equation 2).

Additional parameters and other applications

The data on the adenosine phosphates could usefully be supplemented by information on free phosphate and NADPH to obtain comprehensive information on energy and redox status of organelles, cells and tissues, allowing conclusions about the activity of processes of primary metabolism.


  • Cell Biology
  • Plant Physiology
  • Biochemistry