
(RS )-2- chloro-1- difluoromethoxy- 1 ,1,2- trifluoroethane


Inhalation anesthetic


1.5167 g · cm -3 ( 25 ° C)

56.5 ° C

233 hPa ( 20 ° C)

Slightly soluble in water

1.3025 (20 ° C)

150 mg · m-3

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Enflurane is the halothane similar volatile anesthetic from the group of Flurane. It has a good hypnotic and muscle relaxant, but only weak analgesic effect. It will not be used around the world.

Chemistry and Pharmacology

The blood - gas partition coefficient of enflurane is 1.9, that is, at a concentration of 1 volume percent ( vol% ) in the pulmonary alveoli, the concentration in the blood of 1.9 % by volume. The result is a medium-fast asleep and wake-up. The minimum alveolar concentration is 1.68%, enflurane which is about as potent as isoflurane. Enflurane is only slightly irritating to mucous membranes.

The metabolic capacity of enflurane is 2-3 %, thereby reducing the likelihood of liver damage is low. The significance of the resulting fluoride compounds is not yet clear. Enflurane increases the convulsions, muscle twitching and myoclonus and epileptic seizures, particularly in the context of hyperventilation, are described. The antihypertensive effect of enflurane is more pronounced compared to other anesthetic agents. As with other inhalation anesthetics enflurane increased intracranial pressure and trigger of malignant hyperthermia and porphyria.
