Eng Souza Dias Dam

The Jupiá Reservoir ( which is also named after the town of Três Lagoas and today after Engenheiro Sousa Dias ) is a reservoir on the Rio Paraná in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. The dam was built between the places Andradina e Castilho (Sao Paolo ) and Três Lagoas ( Mato Grosso do Sul ) built 2617 river kilometers upstream of Buenos Aires and just below the former confluence of the Rio Paraná and Rio Tietê.

The hydroelectric power plant (Portuguese: Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Souza Dias ) is named after the engineer Souza Dias. It has 14 aircraft units with Kaplan turbines and generators with a total installed capacity of 1551.2 MW in two groups. In addition, auxiliary units are installed with 4.75 MW in each group. The hydropower plant is currently about the tenth-largest in Brazil. It went into operation in 1968.

The shut-off is a combination of earth and rockfill dam on both sides and a gravity dam in the middle. The dams are 2385 m plus 2070 m long, the dam 1040 m, 5495 m together. Another indication of the total length is 5604 m. The height difference of 23 m is overcome by the shipping in a lock. The waterway on the Rio Tietê can be reached from the reservoir from. The reservoir, which is either 330 or 544 km ², extends to the dam on the Rio Tietê and Três Irmãos Ilha Solteira on Paraná.
