
Enjambement (from French enjamber exceed ',' skip ') - also known as interlaced respectively Verssprung - is a lyrical style agent to the next line of verse refers to the spreading of the sentence ( or Zeilenabbrechung Versabbrechung ).

As a hook style is called a sequence of enjambment, so that the verses appear as if hooked by the overarching set of arcs.


The set also the sense of context about the Versgrenze will be continued; the monotony of the meter, the in -line style combines sentence and verse else is broken. The tone is by connecting the lines across the border of the verse of time round, moving and fluid. That a phrase by breaking Enjambement called a hard enjambment. If the syntagmatic context, not divided, there is a smooth or weak Enjambement. Weak Enjambement is a way from the line style. A Enjambement, the severed words is, morphologically. The continuation of a sentence of the verse boundary is called Strophenenjambement or verse jump.


Andreas Gryphius: tears in serious illness (1640)

Wilhelm Busch: Max and Moritz, Fifth String (1865 )

Erich Kästner: The Development of Mankind ( 1932)

Sixth and final stanza:
