
The Ensenhamen ( prov ensenhamen " instruction ", cf French enseignement ) is a genus of Trobadordichtung. It belongs to the didactic poetry of the Middle Ages and had the task to educate befitting their behavior in court society. Formally, it was designed from six syllable free verse without stropischen cohesion.

The Ensenhamens are differentiated in many ways. Through segregation and class order custom shapes, ie songs for women and men, for nobles and commoners originated. The content includes both contemporary etiquette and morality as well as specific instructions for specific situations, such as the behavior in love or the former health rules and table manners. In part, enter the Ensenhamens their education notes directly within the meaning of commands and prohibitions, in part, they convey the instructions to exemplary models. A standalone version provide vocational guidance for the court Joglars dar.

Get Ensenhamens are, inter alia, by Garin lo Brun, Arnaut de Maruelh, Arnaut Guilhem de Marsan, Raimon Vidal de Bezalù, Sordel, n'at de Mons and Amanieu de Sescas. They serve the cultural and historical research as an important evidence of medieval morality, manners and ideas of taste.
