
Under entomophagy ( gr ἐντέμνειν entémnein " cut " and phagie ) is generally called the consumption of insects. Entomophages are accordingly organisms that feed on insects of all stages of development or live as parasites from them.

The entomophages include organisms of different taxonomic groups, including mammals, birds, arachnids, insects and other parasites as well as nematodes and fungi. Special entomophages be used in biological pest control against insect pests, especially parasitic wasps and other parasitic insects.

Entomophagy in humans

Entomophagy in humans there are in very many parts of the world (Africa, Asia, Central and South America). In westernized cultures it is a marginal phenomenon and is often seen with Ekelgefühlen. However, there are efforts to, inter alia, to bring to the reduction of the Ecological Footprint, insects and larvae on the diet of Europeans. The EU supports with EUR 4 million exploration.

