
The entropion ( also referred to as Rolllid ) is a deformity of the eyelid, usually the lower. The eyelid is turned inwards, so that the eyelashes rub against the cornea, which is called trichiasis.


  • In the annular sphincter of the eyelid ( orbicularis oculi ) the voltages of the fibers are different. The lidrandnahen fibers of the orbicularis oculi muscle are stretched further, or the fibers of the Lidöffner muscle are relaxed. This occurs particularly in people with advanced age and is then called senile entropion.
  • Should an " blepharospasm ", a so-called blepharospasm who lidrandnahen fibers are drawn together. There is talk of a spastic entropion.
  • Shrunken scars on the conjunctiva, such as trachoma, leading to an inward turning of the lid. It is spoken by a cicatricial entropion or cicatriceum.


By rubbing the eyelashes on the cornea and conjunctiva arises the feeling that there is a foreign body in the eye, which indeed is also the case in the form of lashes. If the chronic irritation, caused redness and permanent flow of tears. Since the punctum by the entropion is no longer on the eye, the tears can not drain into the nose and also by the tearing of the eyes is caused. In addition, the whole very painful, because the cornea is the schmerzempfindlichste point in mind. The cornea is compromised by inflammation and scarring. A reduction of visual acuity can be the result.


In mild cases, a booklet patches are stuck on the lower lid so that the lid margin is under train and returns to the outside. In more severe cases, needs to be removed with surgery of the eyelid skin and muscle tissue.


After surgery, there is often a relapse, making reoperation necessary. In mild cases, the prognosis is good if treated in time. If the entropion innate, it often forms back by itself.

  • Disease in ophthalmology