Environmental disaster

An environmental disaster or ecological disaster is a man-made, sudden and extremely severe impairment of the environment that has the disease or the death of many living things result. This makes a major difference to the natural disaster that has its origin in purely natural, not influenced by human actions.

An environmental disaster is usually caused by an industrial accident (such as the dioxin accident in Seveso in 1976, the Bhopalunglück of 1984, the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in 1986, the oil tanker accidents Amoco Cadiz in 1978, the Exxon Valdez in 1989 or Prestige 2002) and traffic accidents, for example, from tank trucks carrying hazardous. However, it can also be the consequences of creeping pollution, in a relatively short period of time then serious or be perceived, such as the greenhouse effect, the ozone hole, the destruction of forests or the drying up of the Aral Sea. In the field of air pollution, the smog disaster in London in 1952 a well-known example dar.

Evidence suggests that environmental disasters play a major role in the development of environmental awareness. While pollution is often imperceptible creeping or for the human sense organs, solve environmental disasters by their suddenness and violence in many people fears and worries and let grow as environmental awareness and preservation of the environment.

Environmental disasters cause damage and this damage have causes that are only partially covered by liability insurance and property insurance (eg the area covered by the building insurance damage caused by falling satellite parts). Environmental damage of catastrophic proportions can be caused by arson or carelessness and inattention, the INCURRED ecological disaster fire disaster or accident involving a hazardous material transporter by land, sea or air. Minor causes can trigger natural disasters both by the chain or domino effect as indicated by the butterfly effect entirely. But already the preparations by climate change catastrophic flood damage beyond the limits of conventional elemental damage.

To secure such damages beyond the passive or motor vehicle liability insurance actively covered eg by building insurance risk through insurance and reinsurance is therefore working on models for disaster insurance.

  • Catastrophic fire and fire disaster
  • Tsunami and storm surge
  • Chemical disasters
  • Epidemics
  • Oil Spill

Disasters of the infrastructure

  • Maritime disasters
  • Disasters of IWT
  • Aviation disasters
  • Disasters of space
  • Disasters in rail transport
  • Disasters on the road
  • Catastrophes of the power supply network
  • Dams disasters