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  • Great Britain

The Eogyrinus ( Greek eos = dawn, gyrinos = tadpole ) was a large, reptiliomorphes amphibian of the upper Carboniferous. He reached a considerable length of 4 meters and was one of the largest tetrapods his time. He lived in the then vast swamp forests and lived apparently crocodile -like. According to his habits his legs were very short and ill-suited to the shore. Its main food was fish. This he grabbed it with his strong, well- toothed jaws. Using his long tail he could probably relatively quickly moves in the water.

In 1926 he was discovered by David Meredith Seares Watson in England.


  • Helmut Werner: 1000 Dinosaur, Naumann & Göbel Publisher MBG, ISBN 978-3-625-11519-9
  • Tetrapoda
  • Land Vertebrates
  • Extinct vertebrate