Eorpwald of East Anglia

Eorpwald (also Earpualdus; † 627/628 ) was a king of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of East Anglia from the dynasty of Wuffinger in the 7th century.


Eorpwald was a son of the king Raedwald. After his death, 616-627, probably around 625, he followed him to the throne. King Edwin of Northumbria, had helped the Raedwald to the throne was, went up to Bretwalda ( Great King ) and " persuaded " Eorpwald to 627 of " superstition of idols " ( idolorum superstitionibus ) drain and to embrace Christianity for himself and his land. Eorpwald was probably baptized in Northumbria. With the conversion of East Anglia Edwin pursued certain political goals: Its influence on East Anglia, based on Northumbrian priests, grew considerably and strengthened its hegemonic power. However, the change of faith was obviously superficial and due to the desire of the Bretwalda. There were no instructions for the assembly of church infrastructure, such as the establishment of a bishopric narrated. A little later killed the " Heide" ( vir gentilis) Ricbert Eorpwald king and usurped the throne. East Anglia fell back into paganism. To what extent was this act religiously or politically motivated remained unclear.

Eorpwald is venerated in the Anglican Church as a martyr.

