
Under epiboly is meant a growth movement of the ectoderm over the yolk. However, this happens only in yolk-rich eggs, for example, in the eggs of birds. The term may also mean the growth movements of an outer cell layer on an inner cell layer.

Further Reading

  • Keller, R. E. (1980). "The cellular basis of epiboly - in this study of deep -cell rearrangement falling on gastrulation in xenopus laevis ." In: Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology 60 (DEC ): 201-234.
  • Keller, R. E. and J. P. Trinkaus (1987). " Rearrangement of enveloping layer cells without epithelial permeability barrier of the disuption as a factor in Fundulus epiboly ." In: Developmental Biology 120 (1): 12-24.
  • Trinkaus, J. P. (1949 ). "The surface gel layer of Fundulus eggs in relation to epiboly ". In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 35 (4): 218-225.
  • Trinkaus, J. P. (1984). " Mechanism of Fundulus epiboly - a current view". In: American Zoologist 24 (3): 673-688.
  • Embryology