Epicrates cenchria

Red rainbow boa ( Epicrates cenchria cenchria )

The rainbow boa ( Epicrates cenchria ) is a type of Schlankboas ( Epicrates ), which is used in various subspecies in Central America and northern South America.


The boa can grow up to 2.30 meters in length, with females usually can grow up to two meters and males remain significantly smaller with about 1.60 meters. The snake is copper-red to orange, then in many subspecies increasingly brownish colored with age. On the entire body are black circles as a sample and over the head usually runs a small black line. In molting standing snakes are often almost completely white and the pattern is difficult to detect. The body is covered with iridescent scales, which result in direct sunlight, especially in young animals and fresh skinned individuals to the eponymous rainbow -like reflection patterns.

Way of life

The boa is a resident of the tropical rainforests. When young it is often found in trees, but adult animals are exclusively ground -dwelling. Even in rocky, tree barren areas and also in cultivated land, it can be found, which generally found here in the vicinity of water.



For the rainbow boa eight subspecies are currently recognized:

  • Epicrates cenchria cenchria
  • Epicrates cenchria alvarezi
  • Epicrates assisi cenchria
  • Epicrates cenchria barbouri
  • Epicrates crassus cenchria
  • Epicrates cenchria gaigei
  • Epicrates cenchria hygrophilus
  • Epicrates cenchria polylepis