Equine exertional rhabdomyolysis

The myopathy or regular lay ( paralytic myoglobinuria ) is an emerging disease in horses. It is an inflammation of the back muscles, which is associated with severe pain, similar to a very severe sore muscles. Other designations are shed or holiday illness or SER ( sporadic exertional rhabdomyolysis ).


Symptoms usually quite suddenly at the beginning of greater physical strain of the animal, often after a previous period of rest (it also comes the English name Monday Morning Disease). The horse starts sweating heavily, do not want to move, trembling, often pushes the shoulder down and goes into a " Sägebockhaltung " So it turns out the front legs forward and the hind legs backwards. In very severe cases, bowing to pressure with the hind legs and possibly also trying to lie down. The heart rate is increased, and fever may occur. Overall, the muscles are hardened, especially on the back and rump. By Myoglobinabbau there is a reddish- brown discoloration of urine.


Reason for the occurrence of the disease is a metabolic disorder. Is in the muscles too much glycogen stored, can not be provided to dispose of the substances resulting from overuse of muscles degradation products such as lactate sufficient oxygen. As a result, the muscles become too acidic and fail, at worst, muscle cells can be destroyed. Myoglobin, responsible for storing oxygen in the muscles, enters the bloodstream and is excreted via the kidneys.

Myopathy occurs when horses take too many carbohydrates in the diet. These are converted into glucose, which in turn is stored as glycogen in the muscles, which derive their energy from it. If now more glycogen stored when the muscles use by stress, it comes to the described metabolic disorder. Increasingly a storage myopathy in horses by standing on days when the food ration is not reduced, or in horses that are irregularly moves, but consistently get the same amount of food. However, regular training and competition horses can be affected.

Behavior in case of illness

The horse may be moved in any case further, it must be called immediately a veterinarian. The horse is on a ride, it should be picked up if possible with a trailer, since every additional stress on the muscles leads to a worsening of the condition. Furthermore, it is advisable - keep warm the croup and back muscles with ceiling - even in summer.

  • Disease of horses